Are We Really Higher Animals

Once viewed as the only creatures with emotions, morality, and culture; Humans are living off past glories. Apes, Orangutans amongst others are making greater strides than we ever imagined. Human “smartness” is just a particular survival strategy among many others. It’s not the top of a long ladder. We’ve not really been kicking it, it’s been majorly about surviving.

Retentive memory. Chimpanzees, for instance, can easily beat humans at recalling a set of numbers if they were displayed for a fraction of a second. If you’re having difficulty believing, think about how many times you’ve gone into a room and forgot why you went in, in the first place. Next time it happens, just remember that there is at least one chimp laughing at you from the shadows.

Resilience. Octopuses can learn to open pill bottles protected by childproof caps, which many humans can’t figure out on their own. If we try to make excuses for ourselves, we’d say; humans have a beating heart and as such, they collapse under pressure! Think again! Octopuses have THREE hearts. And they somehow manage to open pill bottles faster than you and me under immense pressure. Pathetic, I’m not buying it!


Peaceful. Every animal is peaceful as long as you don’t disturb it. Not only is this true, but it is damnably good advice. Take it and remember it. Humans, on the other hand, are far from peaceful. We are inherently aggressive, violent, and competitive, cooperating only for personal gain. It takes only a little misunderstanding for us to show our true nature. If you ever catch yourself chanting on as a petty thief is about to be lynched, you’re only just being human.

Longevity. When you switch on a kitchen light and see a cockroach scuttle for safety you can’t help seeing it as a lower form of life. Unfortunately, there are a lot more of them than there are of us and they have been around far, far longer. Matter of fact, on recent evidence, our days seem to have been numbered. Cockroaches could withstand anything, even a nuclear bomb, and they are well on their way to outlasting us. AGAIN


Loyalty. We don’t offer nearly as much loyalty as dogs. Humans are ready to stab you in the back for a price. Every human has a price, the important thing is to find out what it is. Beavers will stay faithful until their mate dies. They also don’t move far away from their parents when they are establishing a new colony. If a human manages to do 10 years, even society will applaud them for trying that hard. Hands up if you can’t wait to get away from your parents.

Purpose. Why are you really here? Ants look at us and wince when we say that we have a clear cut plan for our lives. These creatures have assigned roles from birth, according to their gender. The women work, while the men stand in line and wait for their turn to service the queen. Now to you. At 12, you wanted to become a Pilot. At 18, the dream changed to advanced chemical engineering. And then at the ripe age of 32…

Welcome to my Youtube channel! Today we’ll be addressing the agelong debate. Messi versus Ronaldo

Now ask yourself one more time. Are we really higher animals?

I think not.

© Gottfried. All rights reserved

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