In My Shoes

If I ever let my head down, it will be to admire my shoes. If Mondays were shoes, they’d be crocs. Most ankle strap shoes are seriously unattractive, cutting the line of the leg as well as cutting off circulation? Try dancing in them – your feet will look like a pair of overdone hotdogs afterwards. Ditch the sandals you’re not Pharaoh.

If the shoe fits, buy it. I just rescued a pair of shoes. They were trapped in a store. The only things kids wear out faster than shoes is their parents. I still have my feet on the ground, I just wear better shoes. I always judge a man by his shoes and his watch. You can wear anything as long as you put a nice pair of shoes with it.

The best way to describe shoes is that they are the gloves of the feet. Shoes are like dessert, there’s always room for more. Men are like shoes. Some fit better than others. Sometimes you go out shopping and there’s nothing you like. Then the next week, unexpectedly you find two that are perfect…but you don’t have money to buy both!

Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life. When one door closes, a shoebox opens. Our incomes are like our shoes; if too small, they gall and pinch us; but if too large, they cause us to stumble and trip. If you wear black socks with white shoes then we can’t be friends. You’re not looking for Prince Charming, your eyes are set on a bank robbery.

Truth walks barefoot. Lies keep switching shoes. I make shoe contact before eye contact. Those red bottom heels grabbed my attention before I caught your smile. Me without you is like a nerd without braces, a shoe without laces, asentencewithoutspaces. Please remove your shoes at the door and don’t take a better pair when you leave.

If the shoe fits, you’re lucky. Ladies, how can you live the high life if you do not wear the high heels? 40% of women have hurled their shoes at a man. The other 60% would never disrespect their shoes like that. The average woman falls in love seven times a year. Only that six of those times are with shoes. I think my shoes have been laced…

I’ve been tripping all day

©️ Gottfried. All rights reserved

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