Making Babies

Having a new baby will make you so grateful for everything, like the fact that your cells didn’t multiply and create twins. Being a father is the single greatest feeling on Earth. Not including those wonderful years I spent without a child, of course. Having kids is a reason to travel, never a reason to stop.

You know what it’s like having a fourth kid? Imagine you are drowning, then someone hands you a baby. A daughter is a treasure and a cause of sleeplessness. Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.

Having a baby is just living in the constant unexpected. You never know when you’re going to get crapped on or when you’re going to get a big smile or when the smile immediately turns into hysterics. Babies show that life is unpredictable and you have to go with the flow, even if that flow is poop.

A toy Tamagotchi is more communicative than a human baby. Okay? Because the toy will at least tell you when it poos. Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them. Ma-Ma does everything for baby, who responds by saying Da-Da. I take my children everywhere but they always find their way back home.

Children have a full time occupation. It’s called play! You can learn many things from children. Like how much patience you have. Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children. Pregnancy remains the only time when you can do nothing at all and still be productive.

The man who says his wife can’t take a joke, forgets that she took him. And together, they make funny jokes. Not all who wander are lost. Some are just moms. Hiding in the supermarket. Hiding from their children. Children are a great comfort to us in old age, and they help us reach it faster too.

If Olive Oil is made from olives, what is Baby Oil made from?

©️ Gottfried. All rights reserved

57 thoughts on “Making Babies

  1. Indeed The Beauty of Having Babies Dear Mr Gottfried

    Yet of Course the Doctors Back at Shand’s Hospital Said

    in 1997 in our Only Child Ryan’s ‘Hotel Stay There’ With Sadly

    No Exit for 51 days of only Pain and never A
    Smile Would Have Been 27 Last Tuesday Just
    two Days Before my 64th Birthday And The Day
    After That my Aunt Passed Away Just Reminders

    That Life is Only
    A Gift Don’t Waste
    One Second as One
    Second is Never A Guarantee

    We aRe Here As Long As Every Breath
    Lasts and in His Case he Never Breathed
    on His Own Taking the Last Heart Beat in my Arms

    Anyway What the Doctor’s at that Hospital Said if they
    Knew All of What Could Go Wrong Before They Had Children
    even at Only Birth They surely Might Have Re-Considered

    Yet Again It’s
    A Gift That’s

    Life It’s A Gift
    Call it A Curse
    Yet It’s Still Life
    And Even The Only
    Suffering Will Leave the
    Living More Alive for This Lesson of Life

    And By God the BLeSSinG And Sacrament
    of Death and Birth In Life What Truly Makes

    Us Equal
    Either At the
    ‘Trump’ Rotting Top
    Per that Kind of Orange of
    Course in Meme to the Meek

    Still Inheriting the Earth Dragonflies

    in All Their Helicopting Beauty

    And The Durable Hated Roach
    Both Excelling in Survival So

    Many Hundreds of Millions of
    Years Past The Human 300 Thousand
    or So Year Current Stint Considering All the
    Hot And Cold Rocks Up Above And True some

    of the
    ones Below
    As Well Life

    Is As Good As it Gets

    Now New Why i Dance And
    Sing Free As Long As This

    Loving Peace Lasts least i
    Will Do For Those Who Only

    Experienced Pain and No Smile
    in Memoriam When DarK Comes

    Shine Brighter than the Moon Even Sun

    And The Rest of the Stars Above If Given


    in DarK

    Human Will Do Now…

    Yep Even Without Kids
    We Can And Will Make
    Life “A Little Bundle of Joy”
    To Give Share Care Heal Away
    Free For All With Most Respect

    And Least Harm And What That
    Means When i Public Dance is

    Bring SMiLes And Don’t Run Over
    the Store Customers With my Freight
    Train Loaded With 111 KiLoGraMS Floating on Store Floors…

    FRiEnDS With Gravity Balancing the All in All Within Inside


    Above So
    Below and

    All Around

    It’s What The Rest
    of the Planets Do Around
    the Sun in Effortless Ease

    And Even In Galaxies Far Away Now

    And Other Frontiers Yet to Explore So Very New…

    Indeed Below FoLLoWinG LeSSoNS Above With SMiLes..:)

    Liked by 1 person

      1. “Life’s better with kids for sure”
        Some Days True Other Days
        Not So Much According to

        my Wife
        Who Calls
        me Her 2
        Year Old

        AnYWaY Mr Gottfried
        i Continue To
        Play With All
        Free SPiRiT
        Being Water
        Wave Ocean

        Whole Water
        Ages Finer than
        Wine Indeed With


        Particularly When Pure
        Like my Wife Of Course

        The Literal
        Of ‘Katrina’

        Yes of Course Pure 💧

        Liked by 1 person

          1. “Katrina was not a scary
            enough name for people to escape”

            True More Like the Name of An American
            Indian Princess

            Often Named

            Too Mr Gottfried

            With SMiLes However

            As Calm As the Eye of the
            Hurricane Naturally is and Sober too

            Oh the Winds

            That Come

            True Don’t
            Be FooLeD
            By the Extra
            Sweet Name HAha..:)

            Liked by 1 person

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